JHBuild Modulesets for LIGO and Open Source Astronomy

Module sets and configuration files for building LIGO data analysis software and open source astronomy software with JHBuild

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JHBuild modulesets for LIGO and open-source astronomy software

parody of XKCD comic

^^ adapted from XKCD #303, "Compiling"

This is my personal collection of JHBuild (https://live.gnome.org/Jhbuild) modules for automating build and installation of bleeding-edge packages for LIGO data analysis and open source astronomy.

As a taste, installing all of lalsuite and the attendant Python packages one-by-one becomes just:

$ jhbuild build lalsuite

Or, if you'd rather see a progress bar instead of all of the build output, you can add the -q flag:

$ jhbuild build -q lalsuite

And entering the preconfigured shell with PATH, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, PYTHONPATH, etc. preconfigured is just:

$ jhbuild shell


To use, first clone this repository into your home directory under ~/modulesets as follows:

$ git clone git://github.com/lpsinger/modulesets.git ~/modulesets

Next, clone and install JHBuild as follows (adapted from http://developer.gnome.org/jhbuild/unstable/getting-started.html.en):

$ mkdir -p ~/src && git clone git://git.gnome.org/jhbuild ~/src/jhbuild
$ cd ~/src/jhbuild
$ ./autogen.sh
$ make
$ make install

Optionally, add the following line to your login script so that the jhbuild command is in your PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

Remember to log out and log back in for the new environment variable to take effect. Next, symlink the bundled JHBuild configuration file to ~/.config/jhbuildrc:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config && cd ~/.config && ln -s ~/modulesets/jhbuildrc

NEW! Experimental Support for Intel C Compiler (ICC). There is now experimental support for compiling the LIGO/Virgo software stack (LALSuite) using the Intel C Compiler (icc), which is available on LIGO Data Grid computing clusters. To enable building with icc, add the line icc = True to your jhbuild configuration script as follows:

$ echo 'icc = True' >> ~/.config/my.jhbuildrc

IMPORTANT! Compiler settings for Mac OS/MacPorts (El Capitan). For building LALSuite on MacPorts, I suggest using the GCC 5 compiler toolchain (instead of clang) for full OpenMP support. On Mac OS, make sure that your MacPorts ports are up to date, and then run the following commands:

$ sudo port install openmpi-gcc5
$ sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc5
$ sudo port select --set mpi openmpi-gcc5-fortran

Finally, build lalsuite with:

$ jhbuild build lalsuite

To start a shell with your newly built packages in the environment, run:

$ jhbuild shell
